Words hold so much power in this world. One sentence, one sentiment, a single book, or The Book has the power to change your world. Will you let them change your perspective?
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Book Reviews
The greatest wisdom we can gain comes from those who have gone before us. These brave souls have put their trials, their weaknesses, and triumphs on the page not out of knowing it all, but rather humbly out of love for those willing to learn from the example of their life lived so far.
Faith shouldn't be just another box we check. Going through the motions of faith won't get us anywhere. We can redefine our faith when we are willing to step outside our traditions and step into the connection and purpose God has always had planned for us.
Hey, I'm Ashley. The perfectly content and unashamedly imperfect woman behind the words you will find here. I am a lover of all the beauty this world has to bring. Whether I am making someone's hair look pretty (I'm a hairstylist by day) or seeking a greater understanding of what this life is all about, I seek to find beauty in everything that surrounds me. My life may be full of crazy and messy unpredictable moments, but I have learned through others' words and the Word, that my perspective is up to me. Join me on my daily journey of choosing to find the beauty in all circumstances amidst the chaos and trials of everyday life.
"The world is full of beauty and wonder. The depth of that beauty is only fully realized when you know the one behind it all. The beauty of the world takes on a whole new light when a relationship begins with the one who created you."