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Wednesday's In The Word

Need a little encouragement in the middle of your week? Start your Wednesday's off right! Renew your spirit and refresh your soul.

Do the troubles of life ever seem to flow in more like a flooded river after a storm? Do the waters seem to keep rising instead of settling back to it's normal level? Sometimes it rains, sometimes it pours, and sometimes it's like a monsoon, a hurricane, a tornado, and a flash flood all at one time.

The Israelites were special to God in Isaiah's time. They were His chosen people. Today, you and I are still His chosen people. Even when the waters keep rising, even when the flames get hotter. He still loves us and walks through every hard situation with us. He is right by our side and will take our hand and walk through the flood or the flames with us. We don't have to bear the heat alone.

We may not understand now why the flames seem to surround us with seemingly no way out. But only He can make a way where we may seem to think it's impossible. Only He can fight the fires of life that seem to be out of control. Let Him and believe that He can.

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Such amazing writing Ashley thank you so much for sharing your gifts

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